be the life of the party

Roll the die and take the challenge
wherever you land

make new buttz friends

Roll the die and take the challenge
wherever you land

parties will never be the same again

Roll the die and take the challenge
wherever you land

buy the hottest new drinking game today

Roll the die and take the challenge
wherever you land

be the life of the party

Roll the die and take the challenge
wherever you land

make new buttz friends

Roll the die and take the challenge
wherever you land


butt wasted is the party game for party people. Your mission is simple: be the first player to get from start to "finished" by rolling the die and taking the challenge wherever you land.

When you land on a space it can instruct you to do anything from take a sip (or many sips) from your drink, give away a drink or dranks, or pick a "draw" or "social" card. Draw cards are basically individual "truth or dares" that can instruct you to do anything – "Imitate the orgasm of the person on their left", "Talk like a baby until a 3 is rolled", or even "Make everyone in the room drink except for one person and publicly shame them as to why"! Social cards mean that everyone in the game has to do what that card says and can include anything from making everyone perform a waterfall to making everyone switch shirts with the person on their right.

Becoming a winner:

The first player to reach the "finished" space wins. Once someone wins, move everyone back to start, reshuffle cards and start playing your ridiculous hearts out again—your liver and a fuzzy selection of potentially bad decisions will be there to thank you later.

Answers to your butthead questions.

Walk of Shame

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